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All in the wind BOOK_edited_edited_edite

VIGIL for Doc


lit the opium this morning

and black peppery smoke

split the air and swirled around me

like a foolish dream


I thought of Levine

squinting through sulfur flares

glaring at the sun on an

industrial Detroit morning

I could see Molina

sticking his thumb out for the last time

on the bridge out of Hammond


my heroes’ work

precious, never delicate

their scars never for show

they roamed far from Hollywood

and the price was always

too high for Heaven


a poem is the way of living

and a song the way of life


it’s why Molina was always leaving

beneath a blue Chicago moon

why Levine was always looking

for a white sun burning

beyond the towers, through the smoke

VIGIL appears in All in the wind, my third full-length collection of poetry and posse, released in 2016 and out now through Yellow Lark Press.  Please join me this Sunday for  a night of poetry and storytelling, celebrating the release of Justin Arnold's A Dog Outside At Night In A Fight at The Buzzmill.  Love you Brother.

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